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You are a friend of the human rights defender at risk. You are not a human rights professional, but you support the work of your friend and have committed to being active in case of an emergency.

As soon as you receive the Panic Button alert your task is to find out what has happened and notify the Human Rights Defenders family. In order to confirm that it wasn’t a false alarm, speak to the other two PACT contacts and check the information that is going into the official statements and/or other interventions. Afterwards you need to go to the ‘family member’ and deliver an update about the situation of the HRD at risk.

Once you have given the update they will give you a ‘courier token’ to use as proof of your having notified them.

React fast when you receive the alert. Start by locating the other responders to ensure you have as much information as possible about the situation. You can then find the family by searching for the person wearing a name tag “FAMILY MEMBER”.

Provide information to the FAMILY MEMBER and they will provide you the courier token’ as proof of completing your task. Once you have the token you can reconvene with the other responders in your team and bring all the evidence of each task to the Game Masters.

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