INGO representative
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INGO representative

You work for one of the biggest human rights INGOs in the world, which has a regional office in the country. You try to maintain good connections with members of civil society and part of your remit is realising an organisational priority on HRD protection (both preventative and responsive).

  • A good explanation of what happened, the circumstances of the disappearance/detention (including about how they found out about it, i.e. the Panic Button)
  • Information about the response plan that has been set up. Who is all involved? How would the public statement fit into other responses that are being planned?
  • Proof that the HRD has given their informed consent to be named in a public statement
  • What would be the impact of a public statement on the situation for the HRD? Is there a risk in naming them in a public statement? Does this risk outweigh the benefits?

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